evolvability (noun) : the capacity to evolve or adapt to environmental change
Developing Leadership Capacity
We work with organizations to grow their ability to evolve; their leadership capacity. We partner with executives and leadership development professionals who want to:
- Further their own development as leaders
- Become more effective in developing leadership in others
- Develop the leadership capacity of their organizations
- Be part of a learning community of fellow professionals who share their values and aspirations for their work
- Participate in advancing the field of leadership development
Today's world - your operating environment, influenced as it is by technology, is changing faster than at any other time in human history. Consider global changes such as climate change, the growing influence of the internet, the debt crisis, or shifts in economic power towards China and India. Or think about the more specific changes in your industry or your organization.
How do you respond to these changes?
What patterns do you see in your organization's response?
Do you:
- Batten down the hatches, manage expenses, stick with what you do best, wait for the storm to pass and things to "return to normal"?
- See potential opportunity in this accelerating change, recognize the risks necessary for innovation, yet remain unable to galvanize the commitment to move forward?
- Capitalize on this accelerating change, making your ability to adapt a key competitive advantage?
Evolvability is now the most important determinant of an organization's long-term success.
We believe that:
- The ability to adapt, to evolve, is a capacity which can be consciously cultivated.
- The core function of leadership is to lead organizations out of the established patterns of historic success (homeostasis) into the innovative, adaptive change required to thrive in the emerging conditions.
- The function of leadership is to adapt organizational form and behavior in sync with its emerging environment.
It is through this lens on leadership that we work. If you want more of this capacity within your organization - greater "evolvability", then we invite you to explore how we might work together.