location | Seattle, WA |
office | 206-462-1163 |
cell | 206-300-9791 |
nancy@evolvability.com |
Nancy is a consultant with twenty-five years experience in working with leaders, teams, and organizations as a coach and facilitator. She is deeply interested in how leaders learn and mature, and how they cope with change, particularly as their roles become increasingly complex and ambiguous.
Nancy has held numerous positions as an internal and external leadership consultant for many Fortune 500 companies as well as for global non-profit organizations. She led the design team for the current Microsoft executive development program, “Adaptive Leadership” and is a preferred facilitator for the program.
location | Lopez Island, WA |
office | 360-468-3121 |
clive@evolvability.com | |
Clive is a leadership coach and facilitator with ten years experience working alongside leaders to catalyze transformative change. He is a faculty member for CTI, teaching the Co-active Coaching curriculum. His interest in developing human consciousness spans twenty years and includes a five-year period of immersive study of work as a spiritual practice while serving as a full-time staff member in a yoga meditation ashram.
Complimenting the spiritual context of the development of consciousness, Clive has studied many of the contemporary western models (including Maslow, Ken Wilber, Don Beck's Spiral Dynamics Integral, and Robert Kegan) for the evolution of individual and collective consciousness. He is excited about the chance to integrate the frameworks of these models into the co-active arena as well as the opportunity to work with Elaine and Nancy.
Clive lives with his wife, Abigail and their two young daughters in the award winning Common Ground Community, a net-zero sustainable housing co-op on Lopez Island, WA.
location | Nevada City, CA |
office | 530-273-9973 |
cell | 530-559-9716 |
elaine@evolvability.com |
Elaine's path has moved through academic and applied work in the field of Organizational Psychology, as corporate executive, as an OD consultant, as curriculum developer, and as a leader of Co-active Coaching and Leadership Programs. In addition, Elaine was one of the 10 first-named MCCs by the ICF.
Elaine is a guide on life's journey, leading and encouraging the continuous expansion and growth of those whom she coaches or teaches. She relishes sharing those milestone moments when insight strikes, when emotions deepen, when spirit recognizes itself. She believes strongly that what we co-create in each moment, is the source of human evolution. She knows that conversations are the beginning, and that co-activity has at least some answers.